Core 1.
Financial Engineering
Financial Derivatives
Computational Methods
Learn the use of simple stochastic models to price derivative securities in various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, credit, mortgage-backed securities. Numerical methods and Monte Carlo simulation in solving applied problems on derivative pricing will be covered. We will also cover portfolio optimization problems and advanced financial engineering applications, including algorithmic trading and the pricing of real options.
Spec 1.
Financial Derivatives
Term-Structure Models
Volatility Derivatives
Learn the basic structure and the pricing of interest rates and related contracts such as LIBOR, bonds, interest rate swap (IRS), forward rate agreement (FRA), cap/floor, overnight index swap (OIS), and swaptions. Cross-currency interest rate swap (CCS) and FX swap will be covered in detail. We will learn to apply the basic tools duration and convexity for managing the interest rate risk of interest-rate derivatives trading.
Spec 2.
Financial Computing
Financial Analysis
Numba with Python
Learn the fundamentals of the C++ programming language. Topic includes fundamental data types, loops, operators, functions and classes, inheritance, pointers, dynamic memory allocation, STL (Standard Template Library) classes: string, vector, list, set, map, iterators, and algorithms. We will implement derivatives pricing via simulation key methods and quantitative finance models. Keeping the material as self-contained as possible, the author introduces computational finance with a focus on practical implementation in C++
Spec 3.
Asset Pricing
Factor Models
Stochastic Discount Factor
Learn the overview of asset pricing. We will start from the classic factor pricing model and then expand to further concepts, including the consumption-based model, GMM, and the application of regression-based tests of linear factor models. Estimating the risk and return and optimizing the portfolio will be covered. We will also use machine learning techniques to design more robust and dynamic asset pricing models.
Spec 4.
Portfolio Optimization
Mean-Variance Analysis
Optimal Execution
Learn modern and up-to-date investment theories in finance and their empirical evidence of practical value. The covered topics include elements of investments, portfolio management, asset pricing models, and efficient market hypothesis. In addition, we will review the factoring portfolio and various investment strategies known to the industry and the academic community and study the ideas implicit in such investment strategies.
Spec 5.
Market Microstructure
Market Microstructure
Order Execution
Learn to develop models for algorithmic trading in contexts such as executing large orders, market making, targeting VWAP and other schedules, trading pairs or collection of assets, and executing in dark pools. We will also learn the combination of sophisticated mathematical modeling, empirical facts, and financial economics to understand how modern electronic markets operate, what information provides a trading edge, and how other market participants may affect the profitability of the algorithms.
Spec 6.
Stochastic Optimization
Statistical Arbitrage
Systematic Market-making
Our objective is to learn the models for algorithmic trading in contexts such as executing large orders, market making, targeting VWAP and other schedules, trading pairs or collections of assets, and executing in dark pools. Before we dive into these models, we will cover foundations in reinforcement learning - Markov decision processes, Bellman equations, and dynamic programming, and combine these into continuous-time stochastic calculus to solve stochastic optimal control problems in algorithmic trading models.
Spec 7.
Interactive Web Development
Front-end Development
Data Visualization
Quantitative Development is a field of development that involves understanding and building the entire web application development process, utilizing frontend, backend, and database technologies. In this QD session, you'll gain a solid foundation in relational databases and practical skills for their effective use. Additionally, the course will cover FastAPI, a powerful Python-based web framework for backend engineering. With its focus on asynchronous processing and modern web application demands, FastAPI offers exceptional performance and efficiency. Moreover, you will explore React, an innovative JavaScript library for frontend engineering, enabling dynamic user interfaces with a component-based architecture.
Spec 8.
Trading System Development
Trading System
System Architecture
Learn to develop trading system. This course aims to develop high performance and stable trading systems.
We learn trading system architecture components like gateways for receiving price data and order management.
And we develop programs to communicate with exchanges using WebSocket and REST API protocols.
We also deal with high level programming techniques to optimize trading systems, including multi-processing, multi-threading and asynchronous I/O.